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Your Voice Matters: Join a Global Community of Heroes Tackling Poverty, Security, Education, Health, Justice, Climate, Politics, and More for Positive Change

About US

WEattitude.org is your Gateway to Impactful Change:

  • Report & Reflect on Issues: Highlight new issues or engage with existing ones through comments, upvotes, or downvotes.
  • Solutions & Support: Suggest solutions, discuss options, and vote to elevate the best ideas.
  • Groups & Action: Create or join action groups to bring solutions to life.

Every click, comment, and collaboration on this platform is a step towards positive change. Get involved and become an agent of change today!

WEattitude.org pursues exemplary practices to maximize positive impact:

issues, solutions & Action groups

Anyone can report issues, propose solutions, and create groups to take action.

Impactful solutions are desired at WEattitude.org, not just solutions that make volunteers feel good about themselves. A quantitative ranking process matches every volunteer’s skills and interests to issues and solutions in order to maximize positive impact.

Measurement is very important to the WEattitude ecosystem. The aim is to deliver solutions and initiatives that provide the most positive outcome possible under any given circumstances. Every proposed solution is passed through a priority ranking algorithm to estimate the impact of each initiative and prioritize amongst various approaches to solving each issue.

Financial Transparency

Financial transparency is at the core of the WEattitude.org philosophy. Monthly details of inflow and outflow of finances will be made publicly available.

The WEattitude.org Open Management Initiative is characterized by Transparency. This includes transparency in decision making, management processes, finances, best practices etc. The end goal is to have a sustainable and robust system that is flexible, able to adapt easily, and can proceed at maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the absence of any individual.

Funds Transparency

Publicly Shared Accounts

Monthly Inflow & Outflow Details

Case Studies (*WISH LIST)

WHY PARTICIPATE? (*wish list)

Help communities you care about

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Einar and Olger are from Norway. They currently live temporarily in Hamburg, Germany. They are friends with another lovely couple, Jimiyu and Bishara, who are from Kenya, also temporarily living in Hamburg, Germany.

They are all members of WEattitude.org where they contribute a couple of days a year to recommending and implementing solutions to issues in their home communities.

Self Fulfilment

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Hadiya is regarded by many young girls as a role model; perhaps due to her informal role as a part-time mother to her 2 young sisters, or due to her exemplary lifestyle. She enjoys being a beacon of decency to growing girls.

This is why she joined WEattitude.org where she volunteers as a mentor for young girls in various regions of the world including North and South America, Europe and East Africa. Amongst other things, she encourages the young girls she mentors to think positively and aspire to uplift their societies. She guides them online to paint and bake or take up interests that keep them positively engaged and away from the negativities of their societies.

Skill development

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Chidi’s is a data scientist for a wholesaler of female shoes. His job involves identifying opportunities for the company to maximize sales.

He is happy with his work however he will like to do much more with his skillsets than help women find the best shoes. So he joined WEattitude.org

For about 3 months in a year, he commits a couple of hours per week, applying the same data analysis skills from his job to philanthropic projects aimed at tackling terrorism in 3 countries. Chidi is much happier now; he is developing and expanding his skillset while also helping the world.

Networking and exposure for success

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Ahmed, a long-time member of WEattitude.org, has built a vibrant personal WEattitude.org network through his communication with other members while collaborating on a series of projects.

Thus when Ahmed started his online business selling t-shirts with motivation quotes written on them, his network of over 2000 fellow volunteers supported him by buying his product and spreading the word.

Career Opportunities

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Jenny spares an hour a week on WEattitude projects in Scotland. Specifically, she utilizes her knowledge from her nursing profession to offer some guidance for health-related projects focused on cancer and heart disease in Scotland.

Many years later, using Ancestry DNA test kit, Jenny discovers and goes to visit lost and found relatives in Scotland. She eventually decides to relocate to Scotland.

To find a job she’s passionate about in Scotland, she reaches out to a number of people she’s collaborated with on WEattitude; she got 3 job offers within 2 weeks! It turns out that WEattitude.org members have a huge tendency to assist other members in any way they can.

Supplemental Income

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As WEattitude.org’s user base expands, part-time and a few full-time staff will be required. This will provide a means for such staff to earn supplemental income; or even full income.


Handout Sheet

Printable sheet of helpful resources in any community. Available globally.

Motivational Contents

Motivational videos and essays. Any one can enjoy or create encouraging content here.


Don’t forget to check out the WE inspired apparels and home accessories. The merchandize helps create  awareness for WEattitude and any little proceeds that accrue help with running expenses.














The founder and a university classmate presented an infant concept of WEattitude.org in a national U.S. business case competition hosted by the Executive Leadership Council and sponsored by ExxonMobil. They won the 1st price. This gave birth to the journey.

Further research and development was conducted by the founder to practicalize the concept for the real world.

First prototype/proof of practical concept was designed, created and tested.

Loopholes and areas for improvement were identified. After some period of bootstrapping by founder, 2nd prototype was designed, created and tested. New loopholes and areas for improvement were identified. 

Founder underwent another round of bootstrapping to hire a larger and more advanced technical development team… design and creation of 3rd prototype commenced.

3rd prototype launched. Real world application and testing is ongoing. 

Development of Android and iOS phone apps.

Development of multi-language support.

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